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Destaco esto. Creo que Odom tiene mucha razón en lo que dice.

Even if Odom doesn't agree with the rule, he does think that the fastest way to a player's mouth is through his wallet.

"You have to zip it," Odom said. "If they call you for a tech, it's $2,000. That's a lot of money in America or anywhere. I don't want to give away $2,000 for going, 'Damn, I thought I had the ball!' or showing emotion. I want to keep my money, point blank."

Odom also pointed out the hypocrisy of the league's celebrating emotional play in television commercials and advertisements, while at the same time punishing emotional reactions to the officials by doling out technical fouls.

"It's kind of crazy because that's what people love to see. You watch the commercials and the NBA has dunking, [players making] faces and 'Where Amazing Happens,'" Odom said. "Now it's like 'Where Normal Happens.' ... There's nothing amazing about not showing emotion."